Week 15 Classmate Interview- Sandra Menjibar


My partner this Thursday was Sandra Menjibar! She was super nice and cool to talk to.  As we got talking I found out she’s a freshman at school, and she doesn’t know what she wants to do yet so she’s undeclared. I asked her if she is leaning towards anything though, and she said she was thinking about doing Spanish Edu.  Sandra also has a job on campus in one of the buildings for foreign students, and while she’s there she just talks to the students and asks how their days ar egging etc.  Sounds like a pretty cool thing to get payed for to me.  She’s from Cerritos and went to Garr high school just like my friend Kamani, so I though that was pretty cool.  One more thing I found out about Sandra is that she likes playing soccer, and going to amusement parks like Six Flags and Disneyland.

In the galleries we both really liked the Hyeri Kim.  It was entitled “His extravagant proposal” and had a lot of really cool pieces of jewelry.  Everything in the exhibit looked very classic and vintage to me.  I thought it was really cool and I liked walking around and looking at all of the beautiful little pieces.


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